Category Archives: NLP Algorithms

10 of the Most Innovative Chatbots on the Web

MobileMonkey: A marketing automation platform Content Why Would Anyone Want a Bot On Their Website? Top-Rated Shopify Integrations to Help You Grow your Business Tip 14: Create Holistic Customer Experiences Tip 4: Enlist a Tool That Makes Automation Approachable Created in 2006, Cleverbot provides funny, clever answers and can tell you jokes too. As AI is […]

google: You can now chat with Google’s most advanced AI chatbot but at your own risk

Power up your marketing Content Power your chatbot with your AI technology of choice Frequently asked questions on chatbots Why add an AI chatbot to your website? Previous generations of chatbots were present on company websites, e.g. Ask Jenn from Alaska Airlines which debuted in 2008 or Expedia’s virtual customer service agent which launched in […]